A selection of plants in pots in the garden. Front and centre is a Lego Bonsai tree in pink blossom representing something different.


Tag: Burnout

  • Regular Burnout vs Neurodivergent Burnout

    Regular Burnout vs Neurodivergent Burnout

    Burnout is talked about a lot. Some people think it is a never ending state of exhaustion, but there is more to it than that. The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines Burn-out as “resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.” It is characterized by three dimensions: According to WHO it as…

  • Meandering for mental health

    Meandering for mental health

    A few years ago Swindale Beck was restored to its original meandering path. It had been straightened about 200 years ago to improve farming on the land around it. Unfortunately there were unintended consequences. The fast flowing water meant that fish could no longer spawn as their habitat had changed. Biodiversity in the stream and along…

  • My burnout can help you feel better

    My burnout can help you feel better

    I thought I could cope with all the demands that I was making of myself. I needed to make life financially secure for my family and be able to buy shiny things and great experiences for my family. I needed to be a success at work. Does this sound familiar? Then, one day, I stepped…

  • Neither fishing nor mending nets

    Neither fishing nor mending nets

    This is a phrase I heard early in my career. Not from fishermen, but from an Electrical Superintendent in a papermill. Bob was good at quietly nudging people to focus what they spent their time on. When he thought folk needed to stop unproductive activities, he used the phrase “This is neither fishing, nor mending…

  • Being swept towards the rocky shore

    Being swept towards the rocky shore

    The outboard motor died, and the wind was blowing us onto the rocks of the small uninhabited island. I was a fit 15-year-old. The Saighdear (pronounced sigh-chair) was well into his eighties. I got the oars out and the Saighdear tried to get the outboard restarted. My aunt sat quietly with a worried look on her…

  • Strong Fear of Failure Creates Exhaustion and Burnout

    Strong Fear of Failure Creates Exhaustion and Burnout

    We struggle to admit to ourselves that we may be heading for burnout. Are we afraid of failure, of letting people down, or do we genuinely think we are ok, and we can cope? No one plans to reach burnout. “I’m looking forward to my burnout” said no one ever! No matter how stressed you…

  • Too Busy, Overwhelmed and Stressed Out?

    Too Busy, Overwhelmed and Stressed Out?

    Update: This post was written before I got to know more about neurodiversity. The basic advice is still valid if you have a neurodiversity. The more you know about what drives your busyness then the more you are able to manage it. Several years ago, we started to hear about the cult of busyness. I…

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