A selection of plants in pots in the garden. Front and centre is a Lego Bonsai tree in pink blossom representing something different.


Tag: habits

  • My Meditation Process

    My Meditation Process

    Meditation isn’t always easy, even for people who find it extremely helpful. I meditate every day, usually just 10 minutes in the morning before getting started with the day. You would think that it was easy after doing it on and off for years. Sometimes it’s not, I have found it worth persevering though. My mind is usually…

  • The Basics of Personal Productivity

    The Basics of Personal Productivity

    Update This post was written before I fully understood landscape of neurodiversity. My earlier posts on a productivity system are still relevant. The system works well for autistics and for people with ADHD who need a structure. When you decide to introduce, or fine-tune, a personal productivity system remember why you want to use the…

  • What is Personal Productivity?

    What is Personal Productivity?

    Update This post was written before I fully understood landscape of neurodiversity. My earlier posts on a productivity system are still relevant. The system works well for autistics and for people with ADHD who need a structure. In industry, productivity is measured in a scientific way. It is a way of working out how efficient…

  • Choose how to Fully Relax

    Choose how to Fully Relax

    Update This post was written before I understood the effect of neurodiversity on stress. Some of the techniques below will still help depending on your profile. The principles of knowing yourself will help you know which methods of relaxation are most likely to work for you. One antidote to busyness, stress or overwhelm is being…

  • How to Reduce the Busyness in Your Life

    How to Reduce the Busyness in Your Life

    Is busyness a problem in your life? Do you find that at the end of each day, you’ve been busy but feel like you’ve not achieved anything meaningful? Do you have the feeling that you’ve wasted the day and that the important work has been avoided? Busy work is the type of work that you…

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