A selection of plants in pots in the garden. Front and centre is a Lego Bonsai tree in pink blossom representing something different.


Tag: productivity

  • Why some people shouldn’t ‘Eat That Frog’

    Why some people shouldn’t ‘Eat That Frog’

    Brian Tracy wrote the book ‘Eat That Frog. It describes a productivity method where you choose the most important task of the day then do it before you work on anything else. Whilst this is a very brief synopsis of a whole book there is some very valid thinking behind the principle. Many of us…

  • Neither fishing nor mending nets

    Neither fishing nor mending nets

    This is a phrase I heard early in my career. Not from fishermen, but from an Electrical Superintendent in a papermill. Bob was good at quietly nudging people to focus what they spent their time on. When he thought folk needed to stop unproductive activities, he used the phrase “This is neither fishing, nor mending…

  • How to Divide and Conquer Your Task Lists

    How to Divide and Conquer Your Task Lists

    Update This post was written before I fully understood landscape of neurodiversity. My earlier posts on a productivity system are still relevant. The system works well for autistics and for people with ADHD who need a structure. In my earlier post on the main tools you need in a personal productivity system, I suggested using…

  • How to Feed Commitments into your Productivity System

    How to Feed Commitments into your Productivity System

    Update This post was written before I fully understood landscape of neurodiversity. My earlier posts on a productivity system are still relevant. The system works well for autistics and for people with ADHD who need a structure. When you first set up a personal productivity system, you’ll have to put the three main elements of…

  • How to Write a Clear and Effective Task

    How to Write a Clear and Effective Task

    Update This post was written before I fully understood landscape of neurodiversity. My earlier posts on a productivity system are still relevant. The system works well for autistics and for people with ADHD who need a structure. We all talk about tasks as a fundamental element of getting things done. After all its task lists…

  • Setting Up a Productivity System

    Setting Up a Productivity System

    Update This post was written before I fully understood landscape of neurodiversity. My earlier posts on a productivity system are still relevant. The system works well for autistics and for people with ADHD who need a structure. In previous posts, we’ve looked at the benefits of a personal productivity system. We’ve also looked at the…

  • Reference System for Personal Productivity

    Reference System for Personal Productivity

    Update This post was written before I fully understood landscape of neurodiversity. My earlier posts on a productivity system are still relevant. The system works well for autistics and for people with ADHD who need a structure. We’ve had a look at the requirements for a Calendar and for Task Management. Now we will have…

  • To List or Not to List

    To List or Not to List

    Update This post was written before I fully understood landscape of neurodiversity. My earlier posts on a productivity system are still relevant. The system works well for autistics and for people with ADHD who need a structure. To list or not to list, that is the question! Some people hate having a list of everything…

  • Choosing a Calendar for Productivity

    Choosing a Calendar for Productivity

    Update This post was written before I fully understood landscape of neurodiversity. My earlier posts on a productivity system are still relevant. The system works well for autistics and for people with ADHD who need a structure. A calendar is one of the main elements of a Personal Productivity System. Most of you will have…

  • The Basics of Personal Productivity

    The Basics of Personal Productivity

    Update This post was written before I fully understood landscape of neurodiversity. My earlier posts on a productivity system are still relevant. The system works well for autistics and for people with ADHD who need a structure. When you decide to introduce, or fine-tune, a personal productivity system remember why you want to use the…

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